Integrating Disability Justice into Abortion Care Counseling and Advocacy

In efforts to protect abortion care later in pregnancy, advocates have historically relied on stories of high-risk pregnancies with diagnoses of fetal impairments. While these stories are important and deserve to be told, it is equally important to ensure we are not leaning into and reinforcing ableist tropes and disability stigma.

To counteract stigma around disability and abortion care, we have developed a set of introductory resources around disability justice. These resources include a workbook, presentations, and Padlet of ad hoc materials, and focus on four overarching topics:

  • Disability Justice 101

  • Disabling Systems

  • Better Advocacy

  • Better Care

We hope these materials are not only informative but helpful in your own advocacy and counseling.

Below is the Disability Justice Padlet, a collection of materials related to disability justice to support your learning. Each of the four sections below begins with an inspirational quote from a disabled scholar and are filled with readings, informational videos and lectures, and an illustrated workbook chapter. The materials are meant to be explored in order at your own pace.

The below presentations are adapted from the workbook chapters.

These resources would not exist without the tremendous work and guidance of our consultant, Asha Hassan, PhD, MPH, who is an expert on the intersections of race, disability, and reproductive justice.

Additionally, we continue to be grateful for our ongoing partnership with Patient Forward, who served as advisors and thought partners in the development of this project.
